Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Every man should be able to save his own life

"Every man should be able to save his own life. He should be able to swim far enough, run fast and long enough to save his life in case of emergency and necessity."
- Earle E. Liederman, fitness pioneer

He wrote that everyone should:
- Be able to swim at least half a mile or more;
- Be able to run at top speed two hundred yards or more;
- Be able to jump over obstacles higher than your waist;
- Be in condition to pull your body upward by the strength of your arms, until your chin touches your hands, at least 15 to 20 times;
- Be able to dip between parallel bars or between two chairs at least 25 times or more.

"If a man can accomplish these things," Liederman said, "he need have no fear concerning the safety of his life should he be forced into an emergency from which he alone may be able to save himself."

Source: Matt Furey's newsletter

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