Saturday, December 29, 2007



ARSL PAGES 5, 10, 17

ARSL 2nd Edition Pages 11, 19

It is the vivisectionists' current assertion, which crops up loud and strong evermore frequently now that they are openly coming out in defence of their trade, and therefore in defence of the future of their dubious existence, that without vivisection most of us would be dead. But medical evidence is becoming increasingly abundant proving beyond doubt that exactly the reverse is applicable. That far from saving mankind, vivisection, which cannot even produce a cure for the common cold, is destroying it. Medical evidence supporting this statement is so prolific it will be dealt with in a separate section and even as this article is being written some readers will be viewing 60 Minutes on T.V. 3, September 22 1991 which at this moment is screening the dangers of Valium, Lithium, Halcion and other profitable benzodiazapines which are said to be "destroying the lives of thousands of New Zealanders".

Pages 5, 10 and 17 of ARSL respectively make unreferenced claims that:

  1. without insulin, most insulin-dependent diabetics "would be dead"
  2. "research with dogs and other animals... led to the discovery of insulin", and
  3. without vivisection "a cure for diabetes would be beyond reach".
Lack of space precludes the printing of all the vast arsenal of medical evidence, however readers interested in following up this work can easily locate the recommended material from which it is sourced, and so ascertain that vivisection is a profit-making fraud born of expediency to justify profitable philanderings with animals.

The first thing that strikes the novice when investigating the "discovery" of insulin is that in all the photographs of the tens of thousands of agonised dogs which had their pancreases extirpated towards this end, the animals are crudely propped, tied, or even hanging or slung, upright. This is because every animal on Earth, with the exception of man, is horizontal, making pressure-points, structure and other variables so overwhelming that any attempt to extrapolate conditions is a game of chance. Criticism of this total lack of similarity between the horizontal animal and the vertical human-being crops up repeatedly from many medical doctors and it is essential that the importance of this fundamental is understood.

During the 1920s, the dog experiments performed by scientists Banting and Best were strongly criticised as:

"... a wrongly conceived, wrongly conducted, and wrongly interpreted series of experiments."
(Dr F. Roberts, "Insulin", British Medical Journal, 1922.)

Readers are also directed to the clinical work of an American pathologist Dr Moses Barron, who published an article based on the autopsy of a patient who had died of pancreatic lithiasis, in which he says:

"The scientists Banting and Best were incorrectly credited with the discovery of insulin."
(Dr M. Barron, "The Relation of the Islets of Langerhans Diabetes with Special Reference to Cases of Pancreatic Lithiasis", Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, November 5 1920.)

  • "Unfortunately, the condition of a dog with a small but healthy part of his pancreas left is essentially different from that of a person suffering from diabetes... in human diabetes two factors are present:
    1. an essentially progressive lesion absent in experimental animals; and
    2. the detrimental effect of improper diet."
    (Hugh MacLean, M.D., D.Sc., Lancet, May 26 1923, page 1043.)

  • "There is no laboratory method of inducing diabetes... which is exactly comparable to the clinical condition. At best we can get only crude approximations. The dangers of arguing from one species to another, or even from one strain to another of the same species are certainly not to be neglected."
    (Dr F.G. Young, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of London, Lancet, December 18 1948, pages 955-956.)

  • "Arguments based on the insulin requirements of the depancreatised dog and cat applied to human diabetes are quantitatively dangerous."
    (Dr F. G. Young, D.Sc., PhD., F.R.S., British Medical Journal, November 17 1951, pages 1167-1168.)

  • "The causes of diabetes mellitus remains unknown in both man and animals. In spite of certain species similarities, there are a number of important differences - differences in clinical manifestation, in aetological factors and in the liability to certain long-term complications of the disease."
    (Dr Harry Keen, BSc, M.R.C.P., "Spontaneous Diabetes in Man and Animals", Veterinary Record, July 9 1960, page 557.)

Further, in Clinical Medical Discoveries, Medical Historian M. Beddow Bayly, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., says that the association of diabetes with degenerative changes in the Beta cells in the pancreas was a well-recognised clinical discovery long before animal experiments in this connection were contemplated. "The means of separating from the pancreas the active principle, which Professor Schafer, a renowned physiologist had already in 1915 designated insulin", was, says Dr Beddow Bayly, "repeated by Banting who demonstrated it on a medical colleague who suffered from the disease. However the numerous experiments made by Banting on thousands of dogs proved nothing of value to human medicine, since, as is scientifically recognised, the dogs were not suffering from diabetes... The discovery, isolation and application of insulin was a clinical one."

The reader is directed to Chapter 10 Heart Surgery, and the evidence given by veterinarian Brandon Reines, Surgeon Dr Moneim Fadali and Hans Ruesch, all of whom emphasise the inability to extrapolate conditions or circumstances between dog and man. Further many doctors say that Banting's dogs suffered, not from diabetes, but from stress, a statement that no-one who has viewed the photographs of his unanaesthetised, depancreatised victims would argue, a condition which is said to be similar to diabetes, which from the vivisectors' point of view was a convenient one since it ensured, with the duplicity of the pro-vivisection alliance, his legitimised and relentless work on their crucifixion.

  • "Dr Banting, Canada's medical hero, who is popular and erroneously credited with the discovery of insulin by extirpating the pancreases of thousands of dogs, did not cause diabetes, but stress."
    (J.A. Pratt, "A Reappraisal of Research Leading to the Discovery of Insulin", Journal of the History of Medicine, Vol. 9, 1954, pages 281-289.)

This uncompromising statement coincides with that of Doctors N. Robinson and J. Fuller in New Scientist, November 15 1984, page 23, who said that families developing diabetes had been exposed to higher levels of stress than those who have not. "It is known", they say, "that obesity, drugs, chemicals, heredity, great grief, anger, fright and extreme emotional states can cause diabetes".

  • "Side effects of insulin treatment include an unusually high incidence of heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure and gangrene. This, some medical men believe is due to the foreign nature of animal insulin."
    (A.L. Notkins, "The Causes of Diabetes", Scientific American, Vol. 241, No. 5, November 1979, pages 62-73.)

Though the highly criticised animal-based insulin is now replaced by new oral preparations of pure chemicals it is no less criticised by many medics, to name a few:

  • "It is well-known by eminent physicians in the field that 90% of all diabetics who are on insulin should not be. Insulin, when given over a number of years, can be responsible for the late complications of diabetes - diabetic blindness and diabetic gangrene. It is quite possible that more people have been killed over the years than have been saved."
    (Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn, Hidden Crimes.)

  • "Medicine cultivates disease. The health situation is worsening. Therapeutics is a purveyor of ills, it creates individuals that will have to take recourse to it. An impressive example is hereditary diabetes. Since the discovery of insulin this disease had markedly increased."
    (Dr Jean Rostant, one of Europe's best-known biologists, Le Droit D'etre Naturaliste, ed. Stock, Paris, 1963.)

  • "The more we study diabetes, the more we discover the contradictory aspects of this malady. Fifty years ago, when insulin was discovered, we thought the mystery of diabetes had been resolved. But now the mystery keeps getting more mysterious."
    (Ulrico de Aichelburg, writing in the authoritative Italian magazine EPOCA, September 21 1974.)

  • "At the CIBA Foundation, London, on 3 July, Prof. Houssay reviewed his group's work on the influence of sex hormones on the incidence and severity of experimental diabetes in the rat: but first warned his audience not to accept the results for other animals or for humans."
    (Lancet, July 14 1951, page 70.)

  • "Diabetes is a symptom, not a disease, and insulin... does no more than palliate this symptom. The drug throws no light upon the cause, it does not act in the manner described, and, had the cause been found and eradicated as it can be, there would have been no need to use it."
    (J.E.R. McDonagh, F.R.C.S., The Nature of Disease Journal, Vol. 1, 1932, page 1.)

  • "Many points of great interest emerge from their studies. Here is an example of how a technique adapted for a particular study may be usefully turned onto another. Here also is a striking example of species difference in tissue metabolism, and yet another warning against uncritically extending the conclusions of animal experiments to man."
    (Leading article on "Insulin and the Heart", British Medical Journal, September 24 1955, page 780.)

  • "No conclusion could therefore be drawn from experiments on animals about the duration of the decrease in blood-sugar in man."
    (B. Brahn, PhD., Tubingen, from the Veterinary Faculty of the State University at Utrecht, Lancet, June 15 1940, page 1079.)

  • "Today, insulin is the main argument used by the vivisectors. As a result of data gathered from clinical experience, I can assert, without having to fear any refutation, that insulin, which was obtained after 30 years of vivisection, is neither a remedy nor a means of prevention against diabetes, but is only an irksome therapeutical surrogate... The more one studies the history of medicine, the more one sees that the real triumphs of medicine are the conclusions of patient observation of natural phenomena in human beings, and not the consequences of the confused activities of the experimenters, who draw their conclusions from the phenomena created artificially in animals..."
    (Dr G.H. Walker, M.R.C.P. Sunderland, Member of the Royal Society of Medicine, in Hans Ruesch's One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection.)

  • "One of the non-diabetic conditions for which insulin has been widely used in surgical shock and it is interesting to read, after five years of trial, the pronouncement in a recent number of Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics that in this condition there is no indication for injection of insulin, and that its use is actually attended by danger."
    (Current Topics, "The Dangers of Insulin", Medical Press, November 28 1928, page 444.)

In New Scientist, March 18 1982, doctors say they believe insulin could be responsible for the high levels of blindness in diabetics. Massive available data shows that diabetes is preventable through appropriate diet. That the highest incidence of the disease is in the United States, which consumes an average of 35 percent animal fats and meat, the lowest in Japan which diet contains an average of five percent, and that when the Japanese take to American eating habits they developed diabetic problems. One of the well-worn favourites of the exponents of vivisection when tub-thumping supposed examples of the benefits of their grotesque and obvious fraud, is the discovery of insulin to administer to diabetic patients. Yet more people per capita are dying of diabetes today than in 1900 - twentytwo years before the discovery of insulin. (For more comprehensive statistics refer Hans Ruesch, Slaughter of the Innocent.)

Even a cursory investigation reveals easily obtainable facts exposing that treatment with insulin merely effaces the symptoms and masks the true cause of the patient's ailment. That insulin has brought more damage than benefits, has killed more people, especially among the old, through insulinic shock, than it has saved, and that it has shortened more lives than it has lengthened. All that is needed is a little patience, a little time, a little determination... to prove ARSL wrong on every count.

Pursuing the important role of diet in the prevention of diabetes in The Health Revolution Ross Horne writes:

"Referring to the Pritikin Longevity Centre's diet and exercise programme, Dr James Anderson of the University of Kentucky Medical Centre, said: 'With this kind of approach, diet only, 80 percent of the diabetics in this Country could be normal in thirty to ninety days.' In a report made public before the American Chemical Society, Dr Michael Somogyi of the Jewish Hospital of St. Lexies, pointed out that a study of 4,000 diabetic cases conducted by him and his associates over a period of fourteen years, revealed that virtually all adult victims of diabetes can be restored to normal health without insulin injections."

As diabetes can be prevented and controlled by diet there is also much evidence that the escalation of the disease can be related to the amount of sugar we consume. In 1972 Dr Banting himself pointed out:

"The incidence of diabetes has increased proportionately with the per capita consumption of sugar."
(F.G. Banting, Strength and Health magazine, 1972.)

This is certainly borne out in the following table showing Danish consumption of sugar in relation to that country's incidence of diabetes:

188029 lbs1.8 per 100,000
191182 lbs8.0 per 100,000
1934113 lbs18.9 per 100,000

(W. Dufty, Sugar Blues, Warner Books, 1975.)

And in an article "You are all Sanpaku" by Nyoiti Sakurazawa:

"Sugar is the greatest evil that modern industrial civilisation has visited upon the countries of the Far East and Africa."

In the 1960s an eight year study to compare the progress of patients suffering from diabetes was carried out in the U.S.A. by the university group diabetic programme. "The trials used insulin, oral drugs, placebo and diet. The group found that after five years none of the drugs, including insulin, had any effect at all as the body had got used to them... but that the diet treatment worked well." During the survey the following drugs were withdrawn because they were causing heart disease - even killing the patients:


    "Because it was causing four and a half times more cases of heart disease and 60 percent more deaths." (Phenformin was banned from use in the U.S.A. and eventually also in the U.K.)


    "Because doctors found it was causing two and a half times more cases of heart disease, and a higher death rate." (Tolbutamide is still being prescribed today under the brand names of Rastinon, Glyconon and Pramidex - with no mention of the great danger to the heart.)

This survey is the most comprehensive and meticulously controlled study of the use of insulin ever published. It is reported in the following:

  • B.Ingliss, The Diseases of Civilisation, Granada Publishing, 1983.
  • M. Weitz, Health Shock, Hamlyn Ltd, 1990.
  • S.W. Shen, R. Bressler, New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 296, 1977, pages 787-793.
  • British Medical Association and Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, No. 5, 1983.

"Since the introduction of diabetes drugs in the 1950s the international death rate for diabetics in the past twenty years have risen in England, Wales, Germany, Japan, and Israel, probably because of the use of insulin."
(R. Warner, Public Citizens Health Research Group, Washington D.C., U.S.A.)

Significantly Dr Banting, according to a book entitled Deadly Allies by John Bryden (McClelland Stewart) progressed from his merciless extirpations of the pancreases of thousands of man's best friend to even higher things, when in 1940 he graduated to vivisection in the noble field of biological warfare. Among his other legacies to mankind are his infected bullets; the rearing of disease-carrying insects; and the aerial spraying of deadly bacteria.

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