Friday, December 21, 2007

Mage - AoE Grinding Guide

Mage - AoE Grinding Guide

Step 1] Respec -
This will give you Magic Attunement, the key factor in elemental
grinding. This will also allow for some mana regeneration thanks to
Magic Absorption - with 30 elementals attacking you, you are bound to
resist several hits per second. For each resisted hit, you gain 5% of
your mana back. Arcane Concentration was also used in order to cut
down on mana loss and pervents you from going out of mana (OOM).

Step 2] Grind the water elementals in Stranglethorn Vale.
They are level 37/38, and can be grinded effectively until level 45.

*Remember: Always keep Mage Armor and Dampen Magic up.

Step 3] Grind the water elementals in Arathi Highlands.
They are level 38/39 and can be grinded effectively until level 46.

Step 4] Respec -

Step 5] Using Blizzard, grind the oozes in The Hinterlands until level 55.

Step 6] Respec -

Step 7] Grind the air elementals in northwestern Silithus.
They drop Essence of Air which sells for anywhere between 10-20g each.
This will take you to level 60.

Step 8] Respec to whatever you want.

*Remember: "of the Eagle" gear is best for this leveling strategy.

any recommendations on pre-30 talent options to aid in non-elemental
aoe grinding until i get high enough to try this out? working on my
first mage ever, at 24 currently. i suspect imp blizzard? or is there
a more efficient method? right now i just mana shield-->frost
nova-->flamestrike-->arcane explo-->arcane explo-->arcane explo-->etc.
aoe grinding is so ridiculously fun, id love to get this down as
efficiently as possible.

Frost AoE
1) Gather mobs by wanding them or using Rank 1 Arcane Explosion.
2) Get them packed tightly together then Frost Nova.
3) Get as distant as possible, but don't be too cautious - can't let
Frost Nova wear out.
4) Blizzard.
5) Blizzard.
6) Cone of Cold
7) Frost Nova
9) Repeat 3-7 until all the mobs are dead.
I skipped step 8 because it made an emotion.

Fire AoE
1) Gather mobs by wanding them or using Rank 1 Arcane Explosion.
2) Get them packed tightly together then Frost Nova.
3) Flamestrike.
4) Blastwave (if you have it, otherwise, skip this step)
5) Arcane Explosion until Frost Nova is down, then repeat.

I've never actually used either of these methods, but I know they'd
work. Be creative, there's no "set way" of doing things.

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