Monday, February 6, 2012

Famous Works of Art Improved by Cats

Famous Works of Art Improved by Cats

If there’s any one thing that could improve a Botticelli painting, what would it be? Well, a big furry cat, of course! Okay, so obviously we’re not serious, but that doesn’t make this series of cat-augemnted artworks, which we first heard about over at It’s Nice That, any less hilarious. Over at Great Artists’ Mews, Zarathustra the cat wants to get the record straight — Mona Lisa was only smiling like that because she had a fat tabby squirming in her arms. The site comes with this very cat-like disclaimer: “We are real. All the artworks at this site are real. Nobody’s opinion about Us, Our art or this site will ever disturb Our suprematism.” Fair enough. Click through to see some of our favorites, and if you’re not all kittied out, head over to Great Artists’ Mews for even more cat-infiltrated art.
Botticelli, “The Birth of Venus”
Rembrandt, “Danae”
Peter Paul Rubens, “Judgement of Paris”
Leonardo da Vinci, “Mona Lisa”
Titian, “Venus with the Organist”
Botticelli, “Pallas and the Cat”
Botticelli, “The Spring”
Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, “Spring”
Claude Monet, “Haystack at Giverny”
Bartholomeus van der Helst, “Family Portrait”
Anthony van Dyck, “Drunken Silenus”
Diego Velázquez, “Philip IV on Catback”
Salvador Dalí, “Dream”

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